Saturday, April 24, 2010


More, more, more. Google is a journey within a journey. And with all travels, likes and dislikes, obstacles and pinnacles. During this trek I discovered a spot that really surprised me...Google Finance and I stayed there a while to absorb all its wondrous scenery. I'd highly recommend it for current events in the busy marketplace throughout the globe...Canada, HongKong, China , USA.

I didn't get a chance to explore Google Earth but have done so on other vacations and recommend it to all those travel buffs for views from beyond when sitting on the behind.

Didn't like Google Chrome - seemed to miss the bus at that stop and it couldn't give me much information about the Coyote Healing I was trying to connect with.

I will add a howl for Google Scholar and in summary will reommend most of Google (especially Google Maps) to fellow travelers on the giant web of life. aka internet. as a further resource to explore and utilize.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Climbing Wall at Facebook ,USA

I like the mission statement of Facebook "to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected." No wonder teens and younger and older generations flock to this site in a world which is increasingly impersonal and there is the feeling of disconnect. So "Connection" is the key word here and why Facebook works so well.

I don't have the time or need for Facebook right now....maybe when I'm old and grey!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Train ride on the Wikepedia Express

Whew, what a scenery....hard to narrow down where to begin but I did get to Nigeria and found the Chin-Chin a wonderful snack and nibbly thing to curb the appetite between stations. Apparently it is classed as an 'orphan' on the Wikepedia Express....but AIN'T ANY MORE!!! I added some details to make it much more appetizing to wanderers like myself. Katchifoo!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Winds Blowing Me In A New Direction - It's Delicious!

Hi Katie!

Signed in!

I am feeling very comfortable with Delicious and even used it today! I don't particularly like the site as a source for info...even as an index I find it inconsistent and awkward to travel through. Simple headings like "horse training tips" gives nothing, and even when you do access a's a random set of sites - to me, a mix-mash of things to swim through at a crawl.

I do like the CPL version of Delicious. I find the organization very fast and easy to use. I think the Tags encompass the necessary fields of information we are often accessing and I love the RW links on the individual sites. As a reference tool, I find it a good companion especially if you set your mind to a "ref" mode. ie. 1911 Census ----don't use Government as a tag.....go to what it is specifically ....:"Statistic' and you have a hit! Very comprehensive.

I will book adventure vacations at this destination.
